Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dawn of a New Day!

Hello, howdy and Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, off we GO! We're creating a Blog for Susun. Why? Well, it's a place to use fun widget like slideshows and such. We fired up this blog Saturday morning before coffee so we could post up a fun retro slide show of Sarah & Stasea.

Stasea sent the photos this week and Susun's sure been having fun with them. She's enjoyed looking at them on the laptop screen. Friday she picked prints up at Walgreen's and had a hoot thumbing through the glossies.

So, today, it's slideshow time! Hope you enjoy our new way of finding ways to play with fun bells and whistles here on the blogosphere. More soon. Cheers, j

(NOTE added February 9, 2010: We moved the slide show over to it's own page. Look at the top left column and you will see "The Great Slide Show." It's there now.)